- Confidentiality requirement: to protect the Live to Dance • Dance to Live sponsorship program's anonymity, candidate won't disclose sponsorship and/or its terms & conditions to any other dance studio students.
- Sponsorship spots are limited.
- Sponsorship spots are subject to dance studio class availability.
- Sponsorship is monthly based: starting on the first (1st) day and ending on the last day of the same month.
- Recipient understands sponsorship may be subject to collaboration and assistance feedback by Instructors.
- Recipient understands that reverse role assistance - lead vs follow - may sometimes be required.
- Recipient understands that new-to-level student level-up assistance may sometimes be required.
- Recipient understands that assistance sometimes may not be needed, requiring recipient to step out class until needed again, or needed in a different level class.
- Recipient understands that to pass levels, evaluation (if applicable) is required same as any other student.
- Recipient understands that they may get permanent spot and/or stand-by-spot assigned to specific classes/days.
- We - the sponsor: Live to Dance • Dance to Live (a 3Wong.com division) and/or the partner dance studio - reserve the right to terminate or not continue the sponsorship at any time.
- Recipient must have dance talent potential.
- Recipient must be partnered-dance entry level or above.
- Recipient must abide to dance studio rules, policies, and guidelines.
- Recipient must follow dance studio class check-in protocol to protect sponsorship program's anonymity.
- Recipient must upon request by dance studio staff, verify sponsorship by presenting their valid Live to Dance • Dance to Live digital photo credential.
- Recipient must behave in a respectful manner while at dance studio, representing dance studio and/or Live to Dance • Dance to Live.
- Recipient must not entertain, and inform to us of behavior from anyone that made them uncomfortable.
- Recipient must try and show efforts to take fully advantage of sponsorship: attendance (required to continue sponsorship).
- Recipient must collaborate and assist under Instructors directions.
- Recipient must assist current or lower-level class.
- Recipient is responsible to verify dance studio current class schedule.
- Recipient is expected to arrive on time or early to classes.
- If one (1) hour attendance by recipient: assisting vs attending class must alternate.
- If two (2) hours attendance: one (1) hour, recipient must assist while the other hour, recipient is free to take class.
- If unable to attend class, recipient must notify as early as possible.
- If dance studio has class-levels, recipient must wait to be assigned level to assist.
- Should recipient not to be able to continue with the Live to Dance • Dance to Live sponsorship program, recipient must notify as soon as possible.
Relay: should recipient not continue, recipient may refer a candidate.
Donate: should recipient’s finance priorities change in the future, donations will be greatly appreciated.